I know what to do at home
So I've had a hard time describing what's been going on lately. Really, I've been too tired to go into the everyday struggle and have...
Status quo.
We had a patient die overnight. This is not unusual. I come back to the ICU every morning and someone has died. Of course I make a...
Another Day!
Day 23 in New Jersey and day 10 in this ICU, but it seems like I have been here for three months! When I arrived back in the ICU this...
As Good As It Gets
It takes me about twenty minutes to drive to Clara Maase. As I drive, I think about what awaits me in the ICU. I prepare myself for...
Hard Decisions
During my ICU shift, two patients died today. Both patients were DNR, do not resuscitate. Their families had made the decision that...
Yesterday, an easy day.
Yesterday I was off for several hours. I had a different shift. Several of my partners from Reno had arrived, and I was so glad to see...
I started my second day at Clara Maas hospital. It started out as an easier day since I knew the paients from yesterday. However, I...
Difficult night
Started at 4 pm at a different ICU tonight. This ICU has twelve patients, obviously all on ventilators, all with COVID ,all critically...